Our very first Publisher to allow ZTBs is/was Vae Victis Magazine (VV). See their website https://www.vaevictismag.fr/en/. Early in our ZT1 history, Mr. Frédéric Bey has been a friend!
Since the late 'naughts,' many of our early ZTBs were based on their game designs. Since the establishment of ZT2, this relationship has continued.
Should you wish to produce a VV game, here are their stipulations:
1) Produce as you wish . . .
2) On ZT1or2, a link needs to be pointing to our VV website - - we always do this (ZT Team)!
3) Do not sell your design without contacting VV.
ZT Upload team will enforce these rules. ZT1or2 has always done so, in order to keep our favored status with VV!
We wish to advise other e-platform designers, as well as our own ZT game designers. So, keep an eye on this space . . .