Hi ZT Folk!
Some months ago, the ZT Upload team was asked to write a series of articles for a well-respected Wargame Societies newsletter. The AVALON HILL INTERCONTINENTAL KRIEGSPIEL SOCIETY (AHIKS) which was founded March 14, 1966. It was the first wargame society established in our hobby
The ZT Upload Team is honored to have been asked to write a series of articles for AHIKS newsletter: The Kommandeur
These articles are meant to introduce their membership to our e-platform site. As of today, we have two articles printed in this well-respected newsletter. Please see this link: https://ahiks.com/the-ahiks-kommandeur/ for both articles (Vol. 57 #2 & 3). PDF download is free
The first two articles introduced the History of ZunZtu. Most significantly, JEROME wrote the first article named, “The Story of ZunTzu as I Recall It.” The second article is named, “Modern History of ZunZtu2,” by Chobham_1980. These should give an insight into ZT history, program design rationale and the move from ZT1 to ZT2.
Currently, ZT does not currently have matchmaking capability. So, if this is important, we suggest that you consider joining AHIKS. In this way, you can find players (world-wide) to play your favorite ZTBs over the net! Furthermore, joining AHIKS is free
Regards, ZT Upload Team
Should you wish to write a ZT article for AHIKS, feel free to contact our team privately or on this thread
History of ZunZtu - AHIKS articles
Moderators: Ichibrothers, Cambronne