Hi ZT Folk!
Early last year, our upload Team contacted HMS/GRD (Historical Military Services / Games Research Designs). This is the firm which owns the copy-rights to Classic Europa & Europa Collector Series (among others). See Their website here: http://www.hmsgrd.com/?page_id=2. or click on the link next to any of ZT versions in our file section!
During our conversations, we gave notice that ZT is following the lead of other e-platforms like Cyberboard, JET and Vassal. This seemed OK, since we are producing without rules. I did ask if rules inclusion would be possible, but never received an answer. So, at this point, please produce ZTBs without rules. I do hope, that one day, HMS/GRD will allow rules inclusion for archival purposes. And give us their official policy concerning electronic platforms.
Regards, Rich (ZT Upload Coordinator)
Publisher Corner - HMS/GRD
Moderators: Ichibrothers, Cambronne