Hi ZT Folk:
ZT is proud to introduce an Italian company named DiSSimula Edizioni.
They have produced many newer games as seen on their website and one which they allowed to be hosted on our site! See ZT2 Files for "Give Us Victories." There are new games available on their site: see https://www.dsimula.com/
Although we have not gotten a direct answer, should you wish to produce a ZTB, please adhere to these rules:
1) No Rules
2) No Charts
3) Do not sell any ZTB without first contacting our firm . . .
ZT Upload Team will adhere to this policy. So, if you submit such a game, please keep these simple rules in mind.
Nonetheless, enjoy "Give Us Victories" is a game about: 'The Chancellorsville Campaign, Virginia, 1863.' "Give Us Victories," is on ZT2 Files - - take a look!
Publishers Corner - DiSSimula Edizioni
Moderators: Ichibrothers, Cambronne