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Unit facing and other questions

Posted: 23 May 2009, 19:37
by bolfry
How do I set up the option to rotate a counter to be facing a specific side of the hex?

Can I assign "zones" to sections of the board? Can I assign attributes to the pieces for (example) number of hexes able to move?

Just curious, I haven't seen anything on this in these forums and was curious...


Posted: 23 May 2009, 19:44
by Bill Barrett
How do I set up the option to rotate a counter to be facing a specific side of the hex?
Just put the cursor over the counter/stack and move the scroll wheel on your mouse (or use the cursor keys).

The other stuff is not possible at the moment (and assigning movement factors to pieces probably never will be as this would conflict with Jerome's design intent).

Regards, Bill.