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Features Discussion....

Posted: 02 Sep 2009, 22:10
by morval
I thought I'd put a list together of things I'd love to see go into an updated ZunTzu. Its a lot and at least half of them are already on the Roadmap, some might already be in ZunTzu :)? I've listed them here so ZunTzu users can have a discussion about them if you like. Please list anythng else you would love to see in ZunTzu.

Square and Hex Grid
Configurable size. Would be good for miniatures games.

Snap to Grid

Snap to Tile
This would help placing tiles that need to go right next to each other. Games Like Settlers, Zombies, etc. But you could make this work with the configurable grid and snap to grid settings so would only be needed if ZunTzu was not going to add Grids.

Micro Movements
You could use the arrow keys to move the tile one pixel(?) at a time to get things lined up nicely. Micro Movements might be good for miniature wargaming.

Micro Rotate
More fine rotating would be good for miniature wargames that are free flowing.

Floating Boards
This would be good for discard piles, etc. They are tabs that instead are resizable and float above the main board. Similar to the Stack Inspector.

Card Hand Moved to the Side
Let the user decide where his card hand is displayed, top, bottom, left, or right. This could be useful for those of us with widescreen monitors. If you could put the hand to the left or right then you would get a little more vertical screen size back.

Right-Click (Context Sensitive)
Make the right-click a context sensitive button. This would be more useful for future expansion. Then all you have to do is right click a stack and then click shuffle, or delete, etc. Zoom in/out shortcut would then need to be some other button or combination of buttons.

Stacks and Decks are nice, but there are a lot of uses for Grouping (need a better name?) of objects. It would be nice to lets say have a score card. On it you place some tokens. When you move the score card the tokens move with it and don’t change their position. Again this would be good for some wargaming, but I can think of lots of boardgames that need this. One example is Dungeon Twister.

Adjustable space between Stacked tokens
I think we need more optional settings. One would be the space between each object in a stack. Its just too big right now. Large stacks are hard to read.

Configurable perspective for stacks (direction, offset)

Point at a specific token in a stack.
I think it would be useful if the stack would expand starting at the token you put the mouse over. So if you put your mouse on the third from the top you would se the top three expanded.

Voice Communication
I think it would be better to remove this all together. There are so many voice programs available now that you don’t really need your own specialized one.

Design Tool
Gotta get this done.

Current Player Token (Cracky’s idea)
Current player token/icon that attaches to player names. You can drag it onto another player name when it's their turn.

Counters (Cracky’s idea)
Small digital counters that dock onto player names, and the counters would be nameable. Hopefully unlimited counters but at least 2 would be nice. For example for tracking things like life, gold, victory points, etc.. Counters on the board would work too but being attached to the player names would make it so you could always see them.

Personal Magnifying Glass (Cracky’s idea)
A magnifying glass that only an individual player can see. Something like you hold a hot key and then it shows whatever is under your mouse in real size. Probably an area of like 2 x 2 inches or so. This way you could leave the program view far out most of the game and players could also look around the board no matter who's turn it is. Or perhaps a configurable amount of Zoom that each player can set?

Re: Features Discussion....

Posted: 08 Jan 2010, 12:21
by dh1jc
A simple kind of "Radiobutton/Checkbox/InputType" or similar would be fine.

So you can e.g. have a plan where you can "check" all tasks you already finished.
(or a yahzee/kniffel game thing...)

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 02:03
by gekkonidae
I´m a new user of Zuntzu,i am reading manuals and all that.

I´d like to make a question that could become a request.

I´m designing a game with two boardgames.A big one and a little one.

Over them,hex tiles are placed.

I need the little board can be moved o turned and the tiles over it should have "WEIGHT" so they stand in their place.But the tiles can be moved separately if you select them.

¿Can I create some kind of board that can be moved or turned?

¿Is there a way to simulate weight so that if you move a board all the elements over it,move with it?

It´s almost the only thing you can do in real life but not in Zuntzu,If you think about it.

Thank you for this soft,I´m studing the documentation to see the convenience to create my prototype with it.

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 10:06
by Jerome
gekkonidae wrote:Can I create some kind of board that can be moved or turned?
Yes. Define your board as a terrain. Terrains can be unlocked during game to be moved around or rotated.
gekkonidae wrote:Is there a way to simulate weight so that if you move a board all the elements over it,move with it?
No. That's something we'll have to address in ZunTzu 2. Maybe the possibility to move and rotate several pieces at once will do the trick (multiselection, groups, ...).

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 19:24
by gekkonidae
Thanks a lot.

I'm starting my self-training with a chess,before trying something more complex.

I hope zuntzu v2 is ready when I start with my prototype.

There's still a lot of illustration job to be done.

I'll be watching. ;)

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 22:34
by Jerome
gekkonidae wrote:I hope zuntzu v2 is ready when I start with my prototype.
Don't hold your breath!